Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cut Flowers

My 4-year-old took this photo this morning (2-year-old's arm is trying to find a snack in the pantry at right) because, well, I don't know why.  He just wanted to take a picture. 

This photo shows the reason I really started trying to garden.  I LOVE having flowers in the house.  They make me happy when I look at them, and I know I keep the kitchen cleaner when they are around.  I'd quickly go broke buying all the cut flowers I want, though, so I figured I could grow them.  I'm not there yet, getting all the flowers I want from my garden - these beauties are courtesy of the grocery store - but I'm getting there!  I had a pretty constant stream of roses in the house over the summer, and I've learned that bleeding hearts last fairly well as cut flowers.  This summer, I plan to have a house full of cut flowers!  A girl can dream.

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